To most people English is just a means in the grand scheme of things, not the end. Nevertheless, in this ever-globalizing world, being articulate when you write or speak, both in your own language and your company’s, will set you on the right track toward that league where you can make the money you hunger for and do the jobs you aspire to. Getting a language down is no minor feat, it takes time, will-power, and ironclad self-esteem. English will surely be part of the skill-sets your professional version should have. In order to get motivated, define who your rival is or you would like him/her to be. An all-time classic rule of thumb: model yourself on those people whose qualities you would like to have. Oftentimes you will compete against those who went to fully bilingual schools or with a spell in the States or Great Britain under their belts working or doing some post-graduate course. However, keep constantly in mind that becoming proficient in a foreign language - and by this I mean giving a presentation to a large audience, bonding with native speakers who might put your career growth on steroids, or taking a firm stance on a deal against 5 sharks at the other end of a telephone or Skype conference call - is 100% within the realm of the possible.

In order to reach that stage, a handy dictionary is one of the most valuable tools you can avail yourself of. Until not long ago, dictionaries were updated every 10 or so years, that is, if you happened to buy a copy of, say, Oxford or Merriam-Webster, its next update would reach you a decade later. In our frantic world, in which everything seems to reinvent itself at breakneck speed, this fact just borders on the surreal. Well, with the massive spread of the Internet, the Earth shed its skin and so did dictionaries. The top players have their online versions with all the trimmings such as terms’ definitions, examples of how they work in a sentence, and even the unique luxury of audio pronunciation with the accents from both sides of the Atlantic ... for free.

Here you have some of the heavy-weights in this field broken down by language and category. Get off cruise speed, dive headfirst into it, don’t rush through the information, and - above all - enjoy it.


They all include the latest terms such as: Brexit, to Vape, and avant-garde IT jargon.

CAMBRIDGE - Pretty much one of my favorites. It is backed by a very prestigious publishing house. It also provides words related to the one we are looking up (in ‘See more results”), which may not seem all that important, but it is when seeking deeper background.

LONGMAN Another classic. Pretty much the same as the Cambridge one, with some “collocations”, that is, expressions that always go together with the one we are looking up.

OXFORD No introduction needed. Neck and neck with either of the above. Drawing a parallel with Apple: It lost its reign, but it’s still so first class. It also provides a bunch of extra perks such as articles to read and the like. A real treat for language-crazy folk.

A bunch of other dictionaries:

COLLINS A very good dictionary. Quite similar to the previous three. It also has as a bonus track the

MERRIAM-WEBSTER The granddaddy of American English dictionaries. An institution in its very own right.

THE FREE DICTIONARY Hands-on, with lots of examples and with the bonus of an app on IOS and Android.

DICTIONARY.COM It feeds off some very important dictionaries such as American Heritage or Random House. It also has a Thesaurus when you are in need of synonyms.


WORD REFERENCE Frankly, in my view, it is the best available online for free.

SPANISHDICT Also a good one, but only Spanish to English, not the other way around.


INVESTOPEDIA English-English. It helped me more than once to grasp finance parlance and not lose face with clients.

BUSINESS DICTIONARY English-English. I would rank it at the same level as Investopedia or, at least, at its heels.

INVESTORWORDS English-English. A good dictionary as well, with definitions at ground level that even a layman can understand.


COMPUTERLANGUAGE. In this day and age with technology ruling the world, ubiquitous tech neologisms creep into our lives every few weeks. You don’t need to be a would-be nerd to drop tons of IT words and it’s always good to have a source of reference to fall back on.


DICCIONARIO DE LA REAL ACADEMIA ESPAÑOLA The RAE dictionary online. Definitions, examples, that is, just as English dictionaries have been doing for decades now. The examples given are not only useful for a someone whose mother tongue is not Spanish, but also for Spanish native speakers as well as it shows us how a word is exactly used in a context and with what preposition.

DOWNLOADABLE RAE (IOS) There is an excellent downloadable version of RAE, which allows you to use it offline. You can have it on your smartphone, readily available, full disposal after

DICCIONARIO PANHISPÁNICO DE DUDAS What´s the right conjugation of LICUAR or ADECUAR? LICUO or LICÚO? How do I say “stage” in Spanish” ESTADIO or ESTADÍO? Don’t disregard any of these issues, all of them are rather common in people with some 12-16 years of formal schooling. How do you refer to a native to Jamaica? JAMAIQUINO or JAMAICANO? Or Both? Well, this dictionary is the perfect source to do away with this kind of doubts and many more way more sophisticated.

DICCIONARIO DEL ESPAÑOL URGENTE. An amazing dictionary divided by category. You can also check other people’s queries, which might well be the same as yours. A very interesting dictionary that may appeal to everyone over and beyond specific questions.


THE LAW DICTIONARY is the Black’s Law Dictionary online, for free. It is English-English and even when law is not my field of action - finance/ economics is, I was told that it is tops.


OILFIELD GLOSSARY. A very good glossary to understand an industry that may be very complex.

I hope these sources of information and help might be useful to you. If you happen to know any other, please fell free to add them.

Currently, I am putting together my own Finance/ Economics dictionary that is very likely to come out in the course of 2020 in which I include hundreds of words - checked by Economists, Accountants, and Business Administrators - I gathered in my many years working at Standard & Poor’s, the American Embassy and private consultancies. I will let you know as soon as the date draws near.

Iter Translations - Global Translations